Hessle Road Cable Renewal
Project Description
SCD was contracted to install ducting and cable renewal, linking two substations in Hull. As a part of this contract, SCD had to complete the full reinstatement of all trench works carried out.
On behalf of Northern Power Grid, SCD was commissioned to install three 160mm ducts (trefoil formation), along with a 110mm pilot. Connecting the substation at Hessle Road with the substation three kilometres away at Elgar Road, the project spanned three months.
SCD entered the project at the feasibility stage, conducting trial holes at pinch points along the route to ascertain the ground conditions and make-up of the road. This information ensured we had a thorough knowledge of the road construction, which would result in reinstating to the correct specifications.
The road construction consisted of reinforced concrete, which required replacing like for like.
All excavation was carried out and reinstated in type 1 and 2 roads, the majority of which were on main arterial routes in and out of Hull. This meant developing and maintaining a close relationship with Hull City Council to work within a number of restricted hours, road closures and other site restrictions to minimise disruption to the general public and to the city itself.
Project Summary
Installation of 3km 66kV single circuit, with the pilot.
Reinstatement of reinforced concrete in type 1 and 2 roads.
Close working relationship is required with Hull City Council.