Culvert Refurbishment in Hillaml

Project Description

SCD was contracted to conduct a duct and cable installation, plus culvert refurbishment, joining the substation at Ferrybridge to the substation in Osbaldwick, on behalf of Northern Power Grid.

Following a feasibility study, SCD began conducting trail holes at pinch points along the nominated route. Through these excavations, it became evident that the existing culvert at Hillam Lane was unsafe and would require upgrading or replacing to enable the duct installation to be completed as planned.

During the removal of the existing culvert, and the installation of the new culvert, SCD liaised closely with North Yorkshire County Council, the local parish council, the Independent Drainage Board (IDB) and the residents of Hillam to ensure all road closures and diversions kept disruption within the small parish to a minimum. The existing stream was diverted and 24 hours a day pumping was required around the site to keep the excavation dry.

The contract also required 21 joint bays across the 8.6km, made up of a combination of agricultural ground, unmade roads and type 1-4 roads.

The culvert was completed ahead of schedule and within budget, with minimal disruption suffered by the residents of the small village.

Project Summary

  • 8.6km culvert.

  • Temporary stream diversion.

  • Joint bays.